
"Less Educated Take the Worst Hit" - WSJ 6/7/09

The June 7 Wall Street Journal reported that the least educated are taking the biggest hit as unemployment numbers continue to rise, with the unemployment rate for workers over 25 who have not gone beyond high school rising to 10% in May, almost double the rate year-on-year. The picture is still bleaker for workers who haven't completed high school -- an unemployment rate of 15.5%, up from 8.4% last year.

The spread has stimulated demand for community colleges (remember when they used to accept new students??) and GEDs as employees try to fill gaps in resumes. Also notable was how acutely current job loss has hit less educated men over women -- construction and manufacturing jobs down with mild growth in education and health has meant that men have a jobless rate of 10.5% compared to women's 8.0%.

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