
Do Your Employees Need New "Ways to Work"?

Forget the bus pass, the transit delays, the Metromover’s midnight curfew, the inability to recruit workers when your company is off Miami-Dade’s challenged public transportation grid...

This month, South Florida Urban Ministries launched a local affiliate of the national “Ways to Work” program. Ways to Work, originally started in Minneapolis in the mid-1980s, is now a national not-for-profit that has provided $50 million in auto loans to over 27,000 low-income working families. Employees able to access these loans – and who complete budgeting and other financial training as part of the process – report important increases in workplace advancement while decreasing tardiness and absenteeism. What a win-win.

Check out WaystoWork.org for more information and click here for eligibility requirements. The program is specifically designed for individuals with poor credit history, relying on a volunteer panel of loan officers who interview applicants to establish character and credit-worthiness. Kudos to the SFLUM team for bringing this much-needed program to South Florida!

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